E-governance and Cyber Security Concerns

Cyber Security is Important


9/2/20234 min read


Electronic governance, also known as e-governance, is the use of information technology to deliver government services, exchange of data, and communications, integration of different stand-alone systems between government to citizen (G2C), government to business (G2B), government to government (G2G), government to employees (G2E), as well as back-office processes and interactions within the overall governance framework. Government services are made accessible to citizens through IT through e-governance. Government, citizens, and businesses/interest groups can be identified as the three main target groups in governance concepts.

By providing trustworthy access to information at all levels of government—national, state, municipal, and local—and citizens and businesses, e-governance improves the transparency, accountability, efficiency, effectiveness, and inclusiveness of the political process.

Giving citizens access to transparent, egalitarian, and accountable service delivery is the core goal of electronic government. The goal of e-governance is to ensure that people participate in the political process and to facilitate and improve the quality of governance using electronic channels, including email, websites, SMS connectivity, and other channels.

Features of E-Governance

1. E-governance has significantly decreased both the public's reliance on bureaucracy and the gap between them and the government in terms of all government services. 

2. Internet-based service delivery is its essential characteristic. As a result, we receive services like Government-to-business (G2B), Government-to-customers (G2C), and Government-to-e-commerce (G2E). This is covered in the chapter on "types of governance."

3. All vital services can be supplied to residents who are working or otherwise residing abroad in their country using e-governance.

4. It improves citizens' ability to express themselves. Anyone can voice their opinions to the government about any legislation, action, or decision the government takes by using e-governance tools.

5. With the advent of e-governance, various information, including import-export, company registration, investment circumstances, etc., is now accessible online. Time is saved; as a result, procrastination declines, and economic dynamism rises.

6. Everybody can learn more and take control of their own lives by using e-governance tools. Knowledge is power in today's globalized world, and e-government tools give us that power by supplying pertinent information with the least expense, effort, and time.

Types of E-Governance

1. Government to Customer - G2C refers to government services that are obtained by well-known individuals. G2C covers the majority of government services. Similarly, providing facilities to the populace is the primary goal of government-to-citizen initiatives. It also makes transactions for regular individuals faster and less expensive. A citizen may access the resources at any time and from any location. Similarly, G2C makes it easy to spend the administrative charge online. The government-to-citizen service enables the average person to surpass time restrictions. It emphasizes geographical land barriers as well.

2. Government to Business - The exchange of services between government and commercial entities is known as government-to-business. Both the government and corporate organizations benefit from it. Access to the necessary forms for observation is made available via G2B. It also includes other services exchanged between the government and commercial sectors. Similar to this, government-to-business communication offers current business news. A corporate entity can easily and quickly reach governmental institutions online. G2B is crucial to the growth of businesses. It improves the effectiveness, calibre, and transparency of government programs.

3. Government to Government - The interaction between various government agencies, businesses, and ministries is mentioned in the government-to-government. This makes government operations more effective. Using internet communication, government entities participating in G2G can share a database. Many government agencies can cooperate. This service can improve confidentiality and relations internationally. G2G services can be offered at the local or global level. It can communicate with both national and local governments. The interaction between domestic and foreign governments is also made safe and secure. To improve service for all members, G2G creates a global database.

4. Government to E-Commerce - The internal portion of the G2G component is called Government to Employee. It seeks to facilitate information sharing among employees by bringing them together. It offers its staff online resources. Similarly, you can check your holiday balance, evaluate your income payment history, and ask for leave. Training and development for human resources are produced by the G2E sector. Therefore, G2E also refers to the relationship between workers and governmental organizations.

Cyber Security

The technique of protecting networks, PCs, servers, mobile phones, electronic systems, and data from hostile intrusions is known as cyber security. It is often referred to as electronic info security or information technology security. The word can be broken down into some basic categories and is used in various applications, including business and mobile computing.

Importance of Cyber Security

Today, the network, computers, and other electronic gadgets, as well as software applications, are essential to every part of our life. Devices connected to the Internet are a vital component of all essential infrastructure, including the banking system, healthcare system, financial institutions, governments, and manufacturing sectors. Some of their data, i.e. intellectual property, financial info, and personal information, may be delicate and vulnerable to illegal access or exposure, which could have adverse effects. The capacity to penetrate them for financial gain, extortion, political or social objectives, or even vandalism is made possible by this information for intruders and threat actors.

The global economy could be jeopardized by further security breaches and the growing worldwide concern over cyberattacks that compromise systems. To safeguard crucial data against public security breaches, it is crucial to establish a robust cybersecurity plan. Furthermore, to protect their sensitive customer and employee data from cyberattacks, businesses, and organizations—particularly those that deal with data pertaining to personal or public health, national security, or financial records—need to implement robust cybersecurity procedures.

(Edited and Posted by Lawful Bytes Team)


B.Com. L.L.B. Sem 2,